damages to foxport4
- redefined foxport4 as
- added two environmental variables to autoexec: GEM and runGEM
- created directory D:\htdocs\GEM (applet, webflow classes, html are stored there)
- created directory D:\haupt (WebFlow stuff, ORB, and Java1.2)
- added new items to PATH: ORB related stuff and JDK1.2
how to run the demo
- open a new command-line window
- type: set CLASSPATH=%GEM%
- type: %runGEM%
runGEM = java WebFlow.Server D:\haupt\webflow\BeanContext_2.2.2\GemCalculator\master.conf
- wait until the WebFlow server is up and running
- start apache (just double click on the icon)
- start netscape
- goto http://foxport4.npac.syr.edu/GEM/Applet/calculator/gem_netscape.html
(assuming that the laptop is still foxport4.npac.syr.edu; if not just change this link - everything else should be OK).
- click "connect" button of the applet. You shoud get a message "Ready" just above the button.
- once connected select Maximum Displacement or Disloc-Simplex
Maximum Displacement
- only "Run Disp" and Show "Disloc.in" works. Simplex moved to Disloc-Simplex, see below.
- you cannot upload files - too much trouble with a signed applet
- combination of DISLOC and SIMPLEX does not work - PERL not installed, missing Simplex2Disloc converter
This file is also available from http://foxport4.npac.syr.edu/GEM/instruction.html (if the laptop is on and running Apache), and foxport4::D:\htdocs\GEM\instruction.html