Data Services Mission Services NASA not giving discounts for incremental use of resources Standards, frameworks, reference implementation Goddard Mixed reception of GSFC Mission Ops rejuvenation CSOC viewed as Houston not GSFC Honeywell data links planned on basis of many new missions Also Universal Space, LM Bad business!!!!!! Move ACE from GSFC to Datalinks Unnecessary requirements: ISO and Earned Value (performance tracking) add 15% Are needed in Human Space Flight Note Goddard built to support manned flight Now opposite -- Aqua needs 99.1% and can't meet 100 PLSA's Need data on pricing of competition Investments not possible as no commitment on legacy missions Level playing field Investment motivation Fixed costs versus variable costs Direct to S&Y codes for mission services Dalton SOMO Code O used to have enough money to fund operations SOMO replaced Code O function Code S got given dollars from SOMO for this IMOC was neither center nor an architecture logically integrated; physically distributed No good business case Need a bridge to future from legacy based past SOMO goal is to help PI CSOC goal is to amke CSOC effective PI's must go to CSOC for a quote Can choose cheapest for NASA or Enterprise Data services are really fixed Mission Services are variable -- people are specific to mission services Fixed Costs are a real problem as need to recognize fixed but have an incentive to reduce NASA Centers get their part of SOMO budget directly -- Code S funds AMMOS SOMO funds network JPL just optimization issues JSC are data distribution related Goddard major issues $50M IOA dollars at start contract removed by NASA