I was thinking of putting together a Special Issue of "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience devoted to Academic Curricula relevant to this theme. It could include a) Discussions of Programs or Curricula aimed at giving students some type of degree (minor, major, certificate) in this area. Interdisciplinary issues are obviousy interesting. b) Particularly innovative courses or course collections using either special delivery mechanisms or say server or client side instructional simulations or interactive instructional tools Lets say We aim at having material by end of Summer. I wonder how many of you would either contribute such a paper or suggest a contributer with some estimate of probability they would write a paper! If we decide to go ahead, then I will ask for comments on call for papers PS. We have several special issues but not so many "regular papers". Perhaps each of you could get a group member or general colleague to submit a paper! That would be significant if this had 50% success! Thank you