Subject: security in SIP From: "Ahmet Uyar" Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:44:27 -0500 To: CC: "Gurhan" , "Hansan Bulut" SIP: SIP is used to initiate, modify and end the sessions. and all SIP messages could be encripted using PGP. Authentication is also supported. In addition SIP uses RTP for transfering voice and video over networks. and the security of voice and video transmision is provided by RTP. RTP supports encription of RTP packets. The default algorithm which must be supported by all clients is DES-CBC. but other algorithms can also be used. There is an article about RTP security at Information on SIP security can be found at under security considerations. Ahmet Uyar Ph.D. candidate Computational Science and Information Technology Florida State University