No other active faculty involved Intellectual Property Issues Alternative is Publisher University adds wisdom to a book Many types of Open Source License -- Teach faculty how to teach e-college Use GPL license so if company uses, they must put other stuff into same license IMS Tools/Resources e.g. simulations, videos of Faulkner University of Florida wants Digital Image Database Clearing House for Tools Unique SURA content? Make Facilities available e.g. "SURA Library" Henry Schaffer NCSU.EDU JavaScript Simulations Collect Snippets like this shared course material advocates open course material at NLII (leader is Robert S. Stephenson from Wayne State) Virginia Tech Interested in Standards / Content re-use / Faculty support Center for Digital Discourse and Culture: Manager Jeremy Hunsinger CDDC at Virginia Tech: Jeremy quite knowledgeable appears to support web hosting Most people prefer threaded discussion to chats (use Forum PHP3) Linux forum cheaper than NT on PC mySQL and PHP paper review system ** PHP seems an alternative to Perl Teach a lot of students Univ. of Florida has Eagle product to map legacy database to Web (FSU using) SCORM from ADL is seemingly rival to IMS SCORM comes from Wisconsin LearningLoop from Denmark West Virginia started with Top Class --abandoned and switched to WebCT Repository of Tools, Content, Repository of Expertise (is Blackboard any good?, How to do this or that in WebCT?) i.e. tools from outside SURA Translaters betten WebCT, CourseInfo, LearningSuite, LearningSpace etc. Curriculum Centers for K-12 well established Course Management Tools already there Need Content Management Blackboard or WebCT Users Group ---------------------------------------- Education School Systems Support Computer Science Content People -- Teaching e.g. HBCU Net ---------------------------------------- ADL PC Week shoot out between various systems -- "military training systems" Integration of Systems as Portal Single Sign up Online evaluation Common format Digital Library Digitize images Pilot Project West Virginia wants HPC Training Univ. of Florida Video delivery of Training Effective way of training non experts in Information Technology Univ of Alabama Birmingham Word Outlook using WebCT Virginia Tech Internet Fundamentals online 4 years Joe Thompson: Community Colleges have "badge to train" Education Portal Tool Repository Experience Repository Best Practices, Methodology/Principles Translators Content Module Repository XML Standards Reviewed Pilot Projects HBCU Computer Science HPC Courses Training Workforce West Virginia paid to get new non copyrighted maps Open courseware not essential Need multiple license model Ready for Fall Proposal End of Next week for "paragraph" in one-pager End of March is 3 pager MSU gives "Art Visualization" wants "Portal" Paragraph from GCF Blackboard Distance Courses Portal Architecture Portal Standards UAB desperate for translators Tulane 5 years behind Purpose of effort is ? Note HBCU's are NOT members of SURA -- originally "much of Virginia" plus nearby universities with good physics departments Linux: Slackware FTP better than Red Hat Red Hat preferred for CD installation PHP "Personal Home Page" See GCF Paragraph The concept of a Portal is a technically interesting way of organizing web-based education and training that allows one to re-use a lot of excellent technology developed for large consumer and commercial applications. These ideas are for instance discussed in and imply a multi-tier architecure with flexible Object Web Servers providing convenient access to "educational objects" from user interfaces that span the palm top through PC to high end visualization station. Systematic use of XML at the key interfaces allows one to develop re-usable modules and link components and tools from different sources. Given the growing complexity of all web-based applications it is very unlikely that any single commercial or academic vendor can provide all the needed capabilities of an Education Portal. These include general features like collaboration and security as well as specific education tools such as assessment, grading, quizzes, annotation and homework submission. More details can be found at my workshop presentation There are important (inter)national activities including IMS and DoD's ADL which are setting standards in this area. This process has to be supplemented with temporary "local" standards which can influence the national work with important prototypes and later be adapted to the agreed standards. We can term the critical client-server and server/resource XML DTD's educationportalML with an initial prototype suraeducationportalML At the workshop, we identified an important initial project that involved designing a subset of suraeducationportalML concerned with representing key components of existing systems used in SURA universities. These included Blackboard, LearningSpace and WebCT. Then we would produce translaters that mapped this XML specification to and from these commercial systems. Obviously this project would both test the concept of a portal and allow good interoperability between these existing systems.