Geometry/mesh generation is not compute-intensive in the sense of requiring large CPU time or even the fastest CPUs available. Rather, it is more an assembly: a collection of relatively small operations on elements of a growing object, itself an aggredation of smalled objects. And these smaller component objects are reusable and editable to form still other final objects. And, although completely hands-off operation is alays the ultimate ideal, reality is that interactive steering - and some consultation among application users and those more experienced in the generation process - will remain the case for some time, because the geometry/mesh solution is not unique for any application. Thus, geometry/mesh generation is, by its very nature, a particularly good candidate for interactive distributed operation on both the server and client side: multiple servers providing specialized resourses for assembly and multiple clients participating in steering and consultation, with a middle-tier locating and brokering resourses. To be more specific, a library of NURBS for surface generation might reside on a server at a center specializing in that aspect of the overall process and maintaining such a library, while operations for the adaptive location of mesh points on a surface might reside at another center with that specialty. Then volume mesh operations might be at a third center, etc. Continuing, the applications users doing computational science might be at one university (or several universities), in consultation with mesh expertise at another university. Web-based portal architecture is especially well suited to this interactive distributed operation, since the component operations and objects can be kept and maintained close to the expertise required therefor rather than having to be updated and broadcast to all potential users. This is particularly important also to allow for the continual open source enhancement and expansion that isintended here.