Statement(s) of Commitment from Co-I’s and/or Collaborators Every Co-I and Collaborator (including those from a non-U.S. institution) identified as a participant in the proposal must submit a brief, signed statement of commitment that acknowledges his/her participation even if they are from the PI’s own institution. In the case of more than one Co-I and/or Collaborator, a single, multiply-signed statement is acceptable. Each statement should be addressed to the PI, may be a facsimile or E-mail, and must contain the following, or approximately similar, language: I(we) acknowledge that I(we) am(are) identified by name as Co-Investigator(s) [or Collaborator(s)] to the investigation entitled that is submitted by to the NASA Research Announcement, and that I(we) intend to carry out all responsibilities identified for me(us) in this proposal. I(we) understand that the extent and justification of my(our) participation as stated in this proposal will be evaluated during peer review in determining the merits of this proposal.