Index of /sites/dsc/storage1/c3/shared/project/fox/foxport4sept25-00/xanadu/negotiations/

Copy of emailpatent.txt                            25-Sep-2000 19:17               11705
Dati draft 2.wpd                                   25-Sep-2000 19:17               19587
Dati draft 3.wpd                                   25-Sep-2000 19:17               12489
Dichiara resp 5-13 ltrgcfedits.doc                 25-Sep-2000 19:17               24576
Fox opinion.wpd                                    25-Sep-2000 19:18               20931
WS_FTP.LOG                                         25-Sep-2000 19:18               15206
Ware&Fraser2gcfeditsjune28-00.doc                  25-Sep-2000 19:18               26624
Warenewversion.wpd                                 25-Sep-2000 19:18               21720
aliceccase.txt                                     25-Sep-2000 19:17               49029
drft5_wpf.doc                                      25-Sep-2000 19:17              566784
earthwebdecision.txt                               25-Sep-2000 19:17               62690
email to fox.wpd                                   25-Sep-2000 19:17               18490
email to fox1.wpd                                  25-Sep-2000 19:17               20102
email to fox1modified.doc                          25-Sep-2000 19:17               24576
emailpatent.txt                                    25-Sep-2000 19:18               11705
emailpatent.txt.bak                                25-Sep-2000 19:18               10992
fromjbeusse2.txt                                   25-Sep-2000 19:18                 921
gcfjan19.txt                                       25-Sep-2000 19:18                2257
geistcase.txt                                      25-Sep-2000 19:18               10821
hklawjan19.DOC                                     25-Sep-2000 19:18               44032
hklawjan19.txt                                     25-Sep-2000 19:18                 679
hklawjan19.wpd                                     25-Sep-2000 19:18               27491
hklawjan19A.wpd                                    25-Sep-2000 19:18               30645
ipdec10.doc                                        25-Sep-2000 19:18               26112
ipdec10annh.doc                                    25-Sep-2000 19:18               27648
jbeusse1.txt                                       25-Sep-2000 19:18                5054
jbeusse1.txt.bak                                   25-Sep-2000 19:18                5040
patentclaims.txt                                   25-Sep-2000 19:18               11790
patentclaims.txt.bak                               25-Sep-2000 19:18                4067
petertocarterjune23-00.txt                         25-Sep-2000 19:18                2402
process.txt                                        25-Sep-2000 19:18                6038
process.txt.bak                                    25-Sep-2000 19:18                6032
robinsoncase.txt                                   25-Sep-2000 19:18                6345
toannmarch3-00.txt                                 25-Sep-2000 19:18                3240
utma-expenditures.RTF                              25-Sep-2000 19:18               12886
whatisgoingonfeb18-00.txt                          25-Sep-2000 19:18                1535
whatisgoingonfeb18-00.txt.bak                      25-Sep-2000 19:18                1492
wwlicense.doc                                      25-Sep-2000 19:18               61952