Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 23 February 97

Foil 9 Compression (9): Choice of filter normalization

From Theory and Practice of Wavelet compression Rome Lab Quarterly Review for CIV -- June 28 96. by Czeslaw Jedrzejek, Tomasz Major *

Transform and inverse transform have to be normalized in both directions such that if the transform coefficients are scaled by 1/s the inverse transform has to be scaled by s. This leaves the freedom for selection of s through all scales . Quality (PSNR- the highest the better) can be affected, since relative band magnitudes are then differently quantized. The same effect for DCT has not been exploited.
For Lenna:
We search for automatic selection criterion (and even for band specific s).
Hor Ver PSNR Hor Ver PSNR Hor Ver PSNR Hor Ver PSNR Hor Ver PSNR
0.50 0.67 27.7 0.50 0.80 27.9 0.50 1.00 28.1 0.50 1.25 27.2 0.50 1.5 27.0
0.57 0.67 - 0.57 0.80 30.1 0.57 1.00 29.7 0.57 1.25 29.1 0.57 1.5 28.7
0.60 0.67 - 0.67 0.80 30.3 0.67 1.00 30.5 0.67 1.25 30.2 0.67 1.5 30.4
0.80 0.67 30.4 0.80 0.80 30.4 0.80 1.00 31.2 0.80 1.25 30.6 0.80 1.5 30.7
1.00 0.67 30.6 1.00 0.80 30.2 1.00 1.00 30.5 1.00 1.25 30.7 1.00 1.5 30.3
1.25 0.67 29.9 1.25 0.80 29.9 1.25 1.00 29.7 1.25 1.25 30.1 1.25 1.5 29.7
1.50 0.67 29.7 1.50 0.80 29.1 1.50 1.00 29.2 1.50 1.25 29.7 1.50 1.5 28.8
1.75 0.67 28.6 1.75 0.80 28.6 1.75 1.00 28.8 1.75 1.25 28.4 1.75 1.5 28.6
2.00 0.67 28.3 2.00 0.80 28.7 2.00 1.00 28.1 2.00 1.25 28.4 2.00 1.5 28.3

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