Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 15 1997

Foil 2 Abstract of JDBC, Part II

From Examples of JDBC -- Microsoft Access CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Sangeeta Aggarwal,Tom Pulikal,Udayan Pravate(Nancy McCracken) *

We show the details of using JDBC methods in two examples now working at NPAC: the 2-tier architecture with the client on the same machine as the Oracle server, and the 3-tier architecture, using Java servlets.
Next, we discuss background material on the database MicroSoft Access.
We show more details of the different types of JDBC architecture.
We show a hetergeneous JDBC example that connects and uses information from bothAccess97 and Oracle.
And we mention a useful JBDC Teaching Tool.

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