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Texture mapping is a technique used to add detail to a world without creating shapes for every small part of it.
e.g. Rather than use hundreds of triangles to specify side of house, use a few to specify side of house and texture map an image with windows and doors.
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It is possible to texture map any VRML shape, except those created by using PointSet or IndexedLineSet nodes.
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Image files are used in a texture map by specifying their URL.
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VRML texture image files can contain a single texture image or a movie containing a series of texture images, like the frames in film.
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JPEG and GIF file formats are used for nonmovie texture images and MPEG format is used for movie images.
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PNG can be used for a nonmovie texture. PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics and it is still in development phase. It is specifically designed for the Web applications.