Presented Mar 11 97 at Education Technology Day Meeting at NPAC |
DEscribes use of Java Applets in NSF Sponsored Projects |
SU Physics, SU Engineering, Cornell |
Use of Tango in Collaborative Applet |
001 Physics 105 Presentation 002 History of PHY105/106 003 Features of PHY105/106 004 Enrollment in Science for 21st Century -I 005 Enrollment in Science for 21st Century -II 006 Term Project Example 007 NSF Grants Associated with PHY105/6 008 MRA Grant Projects 009 CCD Grant Projects 010 Crystalline Membrane Simulation 011 2d Gravity simulation 012 Spring Applet 013 Blood Cell as a Membrane 014 Superposition of Fluid Flows 015 Fluid Mechanics Applet 016 Hysteresis Applet 017 Avalanche Behavior 018 Crack Propagation 019 FRANC server code Demo applea - I 020 FRANC server code Demo applea - II 021 FRANC server code Demo applea - III 022 Gravitational Interaction Between Two Planets 023 Tango Implementation 024 Web Pages