Untitled presentation
CPS 616 January-April 1996
Technologies for the Information Age:
Oracle RDBMS and Web Integration
Web/Oracle Module 3: Integration of WWW and Oracle RDBMS
Instructor: Geoffrey Fox
Version 5 March 1997
teamed with Gang Cheng, Chao-Wei Ou
Syracuse University
111 College Place
New York 13244-4100
Abstract of Web/Oracle Module 3: Integration of WWW and Oracle RDBMS
The Strengths, Weaknesses and Synergy of Web and Database Technologies
Architectures of Web and Oracle RDBMS Integration
A Technical Overview of The Oracle-Web Integration
using wowstub and PL/SQL
Examples of a Web-based Search Interface for the Phone List Database
Key points of Web Technology
Current main components: HTTP; HTML; CGI; Fillout Form
Client-server communication model
(Flat hierarchical UNIX) File system as the major file (data) management system
main WWW components (before Java, VRML, LiveMedia etc.):
HTTP: the transport protocol - performs the request and retrieve functions to display objects
HTML: the makeup language - language used to author Web pages
URL - Uniform Resource Locator - addressing system for Web documents
CGI: an interface to extend HTTP and HTML- allows the Web server to execute a program to produce dynamic HTML documents
Fill-Out Form: a set of HTML constructs to allow clients passing run-time input data to server through GUI interface
Weaknesses in Web Technology
Tedious to manage and update (HTML) files on the server side difficult to keep pages of data updated automatically --- modification usually done by a human using word processor or editing tools
A plain UNIX file system as ÒdatabaseÓ only supports primitive functions such as open,read/write and close
More powerful operations on files are required for an information system which are supposed to provide information instead of raw data.
e.g. need: low-level data manipulation operators such as those provided in RDBMS: select, insert, update, commit, rollback,etc
Meaningful information needs to be generated on-the-fly from raw data
Key points in database technology - I
Relational tables in RDBMS as the major data model for tightly controlled information management, retrieval and processing
Client-server as the major communication model
Main components: search engine; SQL; procedure languages with embedded SQL; GUI application interfaces to DBMS;
main RDBMS components
a search engine: the database management system
SQL: the query language
embedded SQL interfaces: interfaces to extend the SQL non-procedure programming in high-level programming languages
database tools: various (GUI) application interfaces to the DBMS
client-server as the major communication model
customized proprietary network protocols built on TCP/IP as the major transport protocol
focus on file management and I/O processing for a powerful text-based searching and data manipulation system
Key points in database technology - II
Database server stores, manipulates and manages data in a powerful, high functionality information system
Supports design of data system with complex relationships
Supports complex, precise, customized access requests
Easy to automate most data update processes
Information retrieved is as current as the database
Network access not universal or portable: employs proprietary network protocols & requires client license for each end user
Plain-text -- no direct support for multimedia
Isolated from links to information outside database system
Nonstandard browsers (most are line-based) or proprietary forms
The Synergy of Web Networking and Database Technologies - I
Database techniques used in Web technology
data storage and data caching
index searching
data processing
Networking techniques used in database technology
distributed database
two-phase commit
data replication
client/server model
Web-Database Synergy - II
Web server integrated with database is enhanced with:
Powerful backend text searching engine for complex queries
Representation and organization of (often complex) logical relationships among many information entities
Optimizable search performance in large information systems
Real time creation of up-to-date HTML documents
Database server linked to web server is enhanced with:
Ability to share data globally for maximum information dissemination
Ability to add data globally for remote collaborations
Transparent Web browser interface for remote database server access
Universal Web interface supports hypertext-added data retrieval
Integrated multi-media information system
By integrating a database server into Web technology, a web server can be enhanced with:
A powerful backend text searching engine supporting complex queries an efficient, reliable and sophisticated data management system supporting representation and organization of logical relationships among information entities
A dynamic data processing engine, provided with opportunity for optimized searching performance in large information systems
A time-dimension added HTML programming engine which displays latest available data.
By integrating Web into database technology, a database server can be enhanced with:
A transparent networking interface for remote database server access
A universal GUI-based search interface for hypertext-added data retrieval
A truly globally-shared data system for maximum information dissemination
Note Oracle used to hold Òmeta-dataÓ and text indices to our video on demand servers
video stored in Òflat filesÓ
An integrated multi-media information system
Importance for Some Key Communities
Supports school access to organized data in many disciplines
Supports multi-school projects doing data collection and sharing
Multimedia links provide organization of visual, audio material
Provides universal access to major research databases
Examples, protein & other biomolecular database (data + applications)
Provides universal interfaces for data entry with data validation done by database procedures
Can link research databases with online publications or abstracts
Can enhance marketing websites
Improves support for distributed dealerships and/or customer helplines
Provides framework for internal enterprise systems, groupware
Networking and Client-Server Archtecture in WWW - I
Basic features in HTTP protocol -- a client-server model:
Single transaction per connection:
Stateless nature of the connection: end-userÕs previous connection run-time input will not be seen by current connection
client & server open the connection --->
client sends request messages to server --->
server locates requested information and sends
response requested back to client ----> client & server close the connection (note each URL accessed represents a separate connection process)
Networking and Client-Server Archtecture in WWW - II
The Web is Stateless
each GET or POST request from a Web browser to the Web server is independent of the other
unlike client-server database connections, no concept of a session between a Web browser and Web server
no persistence of data between successive GET or POST requests from the same Web browser
Fill-out forms are used for the server to accept clients run-time input from a HTML page
Two Different Strategies for WWW Client-Server Interactions - I
Pre-edited HTML files (links) ---
static and plain ASCII read-only files,
identified by a file path;
exist on disk;
no need to process when used by the server (server performance is only determined by disk -> core memory I/O transfer)
Two Different Strategies for WWW Client-Server Interactions - II
CGI scripts --- programs (shell,perl,programming languages) to
Generate data (usually in HTML format) to be returned to the server
(which will then be transferred to the requesting client in HTTP protocol);
the resultant data are dynamically generated on the fly; pipes are used to feed the output (via STDOUT) to server; server performance is only determined by CPU processing)
CGI is Interface for running external programs on a Web server
Web server is configured to realize that any request for a file in a specific directory or with a specific filename extension are to be executed instead of served
Allows Web servers to create dynamic documents which only get created when they are requested by a browser
Basic WWW DB Integration Model
Web Server and DB client must be on the same machine
DB client and DB server can be on different machine and a proprietary networking protocol (e.g., SQL*NET for Oracle7) is used
Inter-process Comunication (IPC) is used for the Web server to communicate with DB client on the same machine
Oracle-Web Integration Architecture
The Oracle-Web Integration: A Technical Overview
Integrates Oracle7 databases with the Web
Manage Web information effectively
Provides transaction logic and integrity to Web applications
Uses PL/SQL stored procedures to build dynamic HTML documents on the fly
Bring all the benefits of Oracle7 to the Web, including portability, scalability, manageability, and gateway technology
Oracle Web Agent
Facilitates the creation of dynamic HTML documents via PL/SQL
Provides an easy way to publish existing Oracle data on the World Wide Web
Web data can be stored in an Oracle DB which will make it much simpler to manage and manipulate
Provides utilities which take care of the repetitive tasks associated with building a CGI application
Oracle Web Agent Components
An OCI (Oracle Call Interface) program called wowstub (or owa in Oracle WebServer) which serves as the actual CGI program
Two PL/SQL packages (HTP and HTF) that contain utilities to automatically generate HTML tags
(optional to Oracle WebServer)
A PL/SQL package called owa which contains utilities used by the OCI program to set up the CGI environment variables, etc.
A utility to administer the Web Agent via HTML forms
Oracle Approach to Web Information - I
Data and SQL Engine
use tables, instead of static files, to store data
build a schema on data tables to define data and the relationships of different information entities (the relational model)
Web pages can be created, managed and delivered in more powerful way
SQL operators for data and file processing: Select data from tables to provide accurate and up-to-date information, and data can be entered, updated through a web page to keep a consistent information base
Oracle Approach to Web Information - II
Procedural and programmable mechanism
Use PL/SQL for data manipulation and processing. PL/SQL:
OracleÕs procedural SQL application development language
support stored procedures, database triggers, optimized concurrent data access, and executable programs as meta-data (i.e., programs are stored together with and attached to the data objects to be manipulated on)
a programming language between C and SQL: loops, decisions, modules and function calls, subroutines, etc.
database server is both a SQL engine and a computing engine
programmable HTML pages - program dynamic html pages on the fly
Why Use PL/SQL ?
Performance: tends to execute faster than regular SQL code becuse it doesnÕt need to be parsed and interpreted before executing
Portable across all Oracle platforms: resides completely inside the database thus is 100% portable to any platform that Oracle7 runs on
Modularity: has procedure,package etc mechanisms for software development in modules
Why not? Not portable to other databases!
Oracle Web Agent: Dynamic Creation of HTML
Web pages created on the fly to include data dynamically obtained from Oracle7
Oracle7 stored Web related information
Web pages are therefore always up to date
Anatomy of a Web Agent URL
Typical URL - http://osprey7.npac.syr.edu:1997/cgi-bin/database/plsql/wow /wow_pkg.get_person_by_name
http - specifies protocol to use
osprey7.npac.syr.edu:1997 - specifies hostname
cgi-bin/database/plsql/wow - specific the OCI program that needs to be executed
wow_pkg - specifies the PL/SQL package that wow will invoke
get_person_by_name - specifies the PL/SQL procedure that wow will invoke
The WOW OCI program (wowstub)
Extract the PL/SQL package and procedure name embedded in URL and log on to the DB
Set up the parameters passed from the Web server so that they are accessible to the PL/SQL procedure
Execute the PL/SQL procedure which extracts data from DB and formats it into an HTML document stored in a PL/SQL table
Take the HTML document and write it to standard output
WebServer DeveloperÕs Toolkit
utility packages that simplify the generation of HTML documents from within PL/SQL (HTP and HTF packages)
each HTML tag has a corresponding function and procedure
the procedure generates a line of output in a PL/SQL table
when the entire document is done, the OCI program (wowstub) takes the contents of the PL/SQL table and writes it to standard output
Examples of the Use of HTP and HTF - I
HyperText Procedures (HTP)
A HTP procedure generates a line in an HTML document that contains the HTML tag that corresponds to its name
For example, htp.url(Ôhttp://www.npac.syr.eduÕ,
ÕNPAC Home PageÕ)
actually prints the text:
NPAC Home Page
Examples of the Use of HTP and HTF - II
HTF (HyperText Functions) is the corresponding package which contains PL/SQL functions for generating HTML tags
i.e. it returns HTML string whereas HTP writes HTML
Analogous to printf(HTP) versus sprintf(HTF)
HTF functions are used only when the programmer needs to nest calls
For example, htp.url(Ôhttp://www.npac.syr.eduÕ,
htf.italic(ÕNPAC Home PageÕ))
prints out the text:
NPAC Home Page
Details about syntax and use of each procedure and function in HTP and HTF can be found from the handout
An Web/Oracle Example - Query A PersonÕs Phone Number by Last or First Name From a Web Page
A PL/SQL package called ÒexampleÓ defined by a Oracle user Ôcps616Õ with password ÔxyzÕ.
One procedure Òget_phoneno_by_nameÓ is defined in the package.
Assume a host machine runs a Web server (http://myhost) and a Oracle RDBMS server (ORACLE_SID = myoracle_server, ORACLE_HOME= /oracle/oracle_home)
The user Ôcps616Õ has a CGI path as http://myhost/cgi-bin/cps616 in which a CGI script named ÔwowÕ is set up as on following foil:
Web/Oracle Example Overall Set Up - CGI Script - II
# Specify which Oracle server to use
setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/oracle_home
setenv ORACLE_SID osprey7
# specify Oracle user and password(xyz)
setenv WOW_UID Ôcps616/xyzÕ
# point to where the Web Agent executable is located
./wowstub $1
The PL/SQL Package For Phone Example - I
CREATE PACKAGE EXAMPLE is procedure get_phoneno_by_name(name IN VARCHAR2); -- only one procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE get_phoneno_by_name(name IN VARCHAR2) IS
CURSOR person_cur(cname IN VARCHAR2) IS
SELECT last_name,first_name,phone_no,phone_type
from person_info_table,phone_list_table WHERE
(person_info_table.person_id = phone_list_table.person_id) AND
(last_name LIKE (Ô%Õ || LOWER(cname) || Ô%Õ ) OR
first_name LIKE (Ô%Õ || LOWER(cname) || Ô%Õ));
lname person_info_table.last_name%TYPE; -- a variable to hold last name
fname person_info_table.first_name%TYPE; -- a variable to hold first name
phone phone_list_table.phone_no%TYPE; -- a variable to hold phone no.
ptype phone_list_table.phone_type%TYPE; -- a variable to hold phone type
The PL/SQL Package For Phone Example - II
htp.htitle(ÔQuery ResultsÕ);
OPEN person_cur(name); -- open the cursor
LOOP; -- Fetch each row matching the query into variables repeatedly
FETCH person_cur INTO lname,fname,phone,ptype;
EXIT WHEN person_cur%NOTFOUND; -- check end of result buffer
/* print out the query result */
htp.p(htp.item||ÔThe Ô || ptype ||Õ phone no. of Ô || fname || Õ Ô
|| lname || Õ: Ô || phone);
CLOSE person_cur; -- close the cursor after it is done
END get_person_by_name;
The Web Page - Search Interface - I
A HTML form page to accept user search input and invoke the CGI script on the web server to access the database