New CPS615Master Foils-- 26 August 96 Supercomputing 96 at Pittsburgh Tutorial on Web Technology and HPCC Monday November 1996 Geoffrey Fox David Warner NPAC Room 3-131 CST 111 College Place Syracuse NY 13244-4100 Abstract of NPAC's Supercomputing 96 Tutorial We describe key Web Technologies with illustrations of their use Java, JavaScript, VRML, Web-linked Databases, Collaboration We describe a Web Software Architecture with NII (National Information Infrastructure) applications built on top of generic services which are themselves built with Web Technologies and implemented on top of the "WebWindows" operating environment We review NII services which include Commerce, Desk(Web)Top productivity, InfoVision (multimedia information dissemination), Collaboration and MetaComputing We describe NII applications such as manufacturing briefly and focus on three areas: Education: The Virtual University and empowering children .. Web HPCC: MetaComputing and use of Java for High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computation Health Care: Web based interfaces for disabled individuals, Telemedicine and Patient record databases Some Critical Emerging Web Technologies Java -- a partially interpreted C++ like language (script) allowing fully interactive clients which execute applets. Likely to become dominant Software Engineering Language in future And even more likely to be dominant language for science and engineering as can be compiled efficiently JavaScript -- A fully interpreted Web Systems integration Language VRML -- a 3 dimensional HTML allowing universal description of physical objects and allowing interchange of virtual worlds, commercial product designs etc. Latest version 2.0 suuports interactivity Web-linked Databases such as Oracle connected to emerging JDBC (Java Database Connection) Supercomputing 96 at Pittsburgh Tutorial on Web Technology and HPCC Part 2: HealthCare Monday November 1996 David Warner Geoffrey Fox NPAC Room 3-131 CST 111 College Place Syracuse NY 13244-4100 Abstract ofWarner's Health Care Presentation The focus of this course will be on the design of intelligent web-based interface systems. Web technologies provide a unique opportunity to rapidly develop human computer interface systems. Such systems provide a rich medium for augmented human expression thus enriching human-human communication and improving Quality of Life. The following WEB systems will be explored: CARE-WEB: A prototype system developed for Health Care will be discussed in the context of Telemedicine and Distributed Medical Intelligence. NeatTools: A Web based Expressional interface system being developed to enable disabled persons to fluently express themselves. PULSAR: A free Web service for disabled Web users. A Web-based resource repository providing free software, pointers to inexpensive interface hardware and intelligent directories of resources, support groups and other relevant information for disabled Web users. GROK-BOX: A Web-based collaboratory for interactive perceptualization. An instrumented environment for experiencing and communicating complex information. SMARTDESK: A instrumented learning environment which allows for dynamic tracking of a ÒlearnerÕsÓ navigational trajectory through a Web-based content delivery system.