Joint/Coalition C2 System Status % Reviewed JWID-95 and C4I for the Warrior; also JWID-96 plans and Smart Push/Warrior Pull working group report % Reviewed Fort Franklin III % Now need to identify specific C3I missions and functions for RL support % Presently investigating DMA databases and formats Electromagnetic Scattering Simulation System % Goal: Development of electromagnetic simulation for C3I missions and functions % Have reviewed GEMACS (D. Leskiw of Ultra - note: GEMACS is RL software, but restricted access) % Now need to define electromagnetic simulation demonstration and integration requirements for C3I C3 Concept Development Goals % Identify key C3 concepts and objectives % Ensure consistency with other tasks % Incorporate existing service requirements or technology needs analysis % Provide concept and application demonstrations % Support involvement in exercises i.e., Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration