Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 25 98

Foil 11 Specific Darpa objectives

From Overview of Collaboration Systems Tango Tutorial Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27 98. by TangoInteractive Team

1 Enable access via diverse portals, from hand-held through room-sized
2 Enable interoperability across diverse encoding formats, coordination and consistency protocols, and real-time services
3 Scale collaborations to 10 active contributors, 100 questioners, and 1,000 observers
4 Reduce by an order of magnitude the time needed to generate collaborative applications
5 Enable real-time discovery of relevant collaborators and information within task context
6 Reduce by an order of magnitude the time to establish collaborative sessions across heterogeneous environments
7 Reduce by an order of magnitude the time to review collaborative sessions
8 Improve task-based performance of collaborators by two orders of magnitude
9 Source: ICV, DARPA

in Table To:

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