Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 25 98

Foil 9 Java API - code example ctd.

From General Tango API Java JavaScript and C Tango Tutorial Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27 98. by TangoInteractive Team

1 // Tango api `receive' implementation
2 public void receive (AppEventMessage em) {
3 if (em.getType() == Const.CONTROL) { // checking for message type
4 CAppAnswerEventMessage msg = (CAppAnswerEventMessage) em;
5 //The above is conversion to control message
6 if (msg.getAnswerType() == CAConsts.USERNAME)
7 un = msg.getUserName(); //extraction of information
8 }
9 else { //DATA type message
10 String msg=new String (em.getData(),0,0,em.getLen());
11 //extraction of data
12 ta.appendText(msg);
13 }
14 }

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