Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 3 May 98

Foil 3 2. JWORB Applications

From JWORB Java Web Object Request Broker Poster Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27-29 98. by W. Furmanski, H.T. Ozdemir, G. Fox

1 The following pages illustrate a set of JWORB testing and early prototyping activities at NPAC, starting from performance benchmarks (Pages 4, 5)
2 We are replacing NPAC WebFlow middleware, initially based on JavaSoft's Java Web Servers by a mesh of JWORB servers (Page 6)
3 We also intend to use JWORB as the core infrastructure technology for WebHLA - an Object Web based implementation of DMSO HLA standard for Modeling and Simulation (Pages 3,7,8,9)
4 WebHLA includes communication bus given by Object Web RTI (Page 8) and CORBA Wrappers for C/C++ legacy codes (Page 9)
5 Our eventual goal is WebHLA based support for Virtual Prototyping and Simulation Based Design/Acquisition systems in the High Performance FMS/IMT domains (Page 7)

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