Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 3 May 98

Foil 9 8. JWORB based Object Web RTI

From JWORB Java Web Object Request Broker Poster Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27-29 98. by W. Furmanski, H.T. Ozdemir, G. Fox

We build WebHLA in a sequence of tasks, starting from JWORB based Object Web RTI (Run-Time Infrastructure) illustrated above.
In JWORB model, communication objects: RTIAmbassador and FederateAbmassador become Java CORBA remote objects and hence naturally accessible from Web frontends
Since JWORB integrates CORBA and the Web, Object Web RTI enables World-Wide scalable HLA Federations.
In our FMS PET projects within the DoD Modernization Program, we start addressing such large scale simulations involving several HPC DoD Labs (MSRCs and DCs)

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