Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 3 May 98

Foil 1 PPT Slide

From Collaborative Scientific Visualization SciVis Poster Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois -- April 27-29 98. by B. Ki, S. Klasky

Created by: B. Ki, S. Klasky, G. Fox
Scivis is a client-server visualization and analysis system which takes full advantage of Java (over 40K lines).
The purpose of this system is provide researchers with a customizable data analysis system to aid their research.
We provide a collaborative framework, where users can exchange data and their own personalized filters.
Available via (email for questions)
NOTE: Scivis is not Web-based, It's a Java application.
ScivisLight is a browser version of Scivis, but is not be as powerful as Scivis!

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