Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
April 25 98
Foil 15 TANGO version 1.0
Overview of the TangoInteractive System Tango Tutorial Alliance 98 NCSA Illinois --
April 27 98
TangoInteractive Team
Supports all the same features as TANGO 1.0 beta4
Employs modified protocol between the plug-in and the collaboratory server
new protocol is NOT compatible with version 1.0 beta4
Tango API is modified (registering applications)
protocol modifications improve system reliability
Version 1.0 requires re-installation of both server and client software
Version 1.0 will support MS Internet Explorer 4.x
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
If you have any comments about this server, send e-mail to
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on Sun Nov 29 1998