Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 34 Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - II

From Overview of JDBC and its use with Microsoft Access ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Nancy McCracken(Sangetta Aggarwal, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal)

1 Advantages
  • Allows access to a remote database using JDBC API from a java program transparently with a single driver existence at the client side.
  • Tries to attain uniformity at the client side over the use of the driver and the jdbc API used.
  • Will work with any type of driver (out of 4 categories mentioned previously) which only needs to be at the server side now.
2 Limitations
  • Implementation of the server side of this driver has many alternatives such as Socket communication/RMI/CORBA.
  • Involves network traffic at a higher magnitude which makes it prone to failure depending upon the reliability of the network.

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