Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 29 Weblogic jdbcKona driver for Oracle

From Overview of JDBC and its use with Microsoft Access ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Nancy McCracken(Sangetta Aggarwal, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal)

Weblogic Inc. provides a Native-API partly-Java driver for Oracle RDBMS.
For the Oracle implementation of JDBC, it looks for URL's in the form of jdbc:weblogic:oracle:[host_addr]:[db_name]
Example URL jdbc:weblogic:oracle:t:ss2:DEMO
The driver classes should be present at run-time at every client. The database should reside on the same machine. The communication utility SQL_Net, a part of the Oracle suite, enables routing the database calls from the client to the server only if this utility is running on both the client and the database server which is a limitation in itself.
In the following slides, an alternate approach is proposed to develop a Remote jdbc driver to eliminate the restrictions of having the driver classes/binary code to be loaded on each client machine.

© on Mon Oct 13 1997