Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 75 Web-Enabled Applications -I

From Overview of JDBC and its use with Microsoft Access ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Nancy McCracken(Sangetta Aggarwal, Udayan Parvate, Tom Pulikal)

Access 97 makes it easy to share up-to-date information with others, regardless of where they are. With features of exporting dynamic forms to HTML and publishing them on the Web, it provides for sharing of dynamic or static database information across the Internet or intranet.
HyperLinks - Users can store hyperlinks in all MS Access databases to connect to information anywhere. Hyperlinks can be control-based i.e text box, combo box, label, command button, image control, can be bound to fields with a Hyperlink datatype.
  • Save to HTML - Users can publish static views of their data for a workgroup or on the Web.
  • HTML importing and linking - Users can import or attach their databases to HTML pages.
  • Internet replication - Users can extend the replication capabilities introduced in Access 95 over the Internet using FTP.
  • Publish to the Web Wizard - This wizard automates the publishing of database information to the Web dynamically.

© on Mon Oct 13 1997