Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 18 Data Manipulation Language statements (DML)

From untitled presentation ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Query or manipulate data in existing schema objects.
2 More specifically functionality is:
  • remove rows from tables or views (DELETE)
  • see the execution plan for a SQL statment (EXPLAIN PLAN)
  • add new rows of data into a table or view (INSERT)
  • lock a table or view, temporarily limiting other users' access to it (LOCK TABLE)
  • retrieve data from one or more tables and views (SELECT)
  • change column values in existing rows of a table or view (UPDATE)
3 DML statements are the most frequently used SQL statements by developers

in Table To:

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