Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 41 Oracle RDBMS Supports Read-Consistency -I

From Untitled presentation ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox

Guarantees that the set of data seen by a statement is consistent with respect to a single point-in-time and does not change during statement execution (atomic operations or statement-level read consistency)
Ensure that readers of database data do not wait for writers or other readers of the same data
Ensure that writers of database data do not wait for readers of the same data
Ensure that writers only wait for other writers if they attempt to update identical rows in concurrent transactions
The simplest way to think of Oracle's implementation of read-consistency is to imagine each user operating a private copy of the database, hence called the multi-version consistency model

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