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Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database

Given by Gang Cheng, C.W. Ou, Geoffrey C. Fox at ARL Database Tutorial on February 98. Foils prepared 7 October 97

This starts with a summary of several major modules (this is first one of them)
What is a Relational Database
A Phone-List Example for Motivation and Illustration of Concept
Major Schema Objects and Structures in Oracle with examples
Data Integrity and Data Types in Oracle
Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle

Table of Contents for Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database

001 Computational Science Track on Base Technology for the Information
    Oracle RDBMS and Web Integration
    Module 1 - A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
002 Abstract of: Module 1 - A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
003 Full Summary of Oracle/Web Presentation - I
004 Full Summary of Oracle/Web Presentation - II
005 A Technical Introduction to Oracle RDBMS
006 Example Problem Description -I
007 Example Problem Description -II
008 Example problem description -III
009 Example problem description -IV
010 The Relational Database Model
011 Examples of Attribute and Entity Relationship Tables
012 Relational Rules -- 1
013 Relational Rules - 2
014 Relational Rules - 3
015 Relational Algebra
016 Database Structure and Space Management in Oracle
017 Major Schema Objects in Oracle - Tablespace I
018 Major Schema Objects in Oracle - Tablespace II
019 Major Schema Objects in Oracle - III -- Table
020 Define A Table Structure in Oracle - An Example
021 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -IV- View
022 Major Use of Views in a Database I
023 Major Use of Views in a Database II
024 Define a View in Oracle - An Example
025 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -V -- Sequences
026 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VI - Procedures etc.
027 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VI- Synonym
028 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VII-Synonym
029 Major Schema Objects in Oracle -VIII - Indices
030 When Should one Create Indices ?
031 How to Choose Columns to be Indexed
032 Major Schema Objects in Oracle - IX
033 Data Integrity in Oracle -I
034 Data Integrity in Oracle -II
035 Data Integrity in Oracle -III
036 Datatypes in Oracle -I
037 Datatypes in Oracle -II
038 Datatypes in Oracle -III
039 Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -I
040 Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -II
041 Oracle RDBMS Supports Read-Consistency -I
042 Oracle RDBMS Supports Read-Consistency -II
043 Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -I
044 Data Concurrency and Consistency in Oracle -II

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