Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 15 Major Software and Hardware vendors in Parallel Database Technology

From untitled presentation ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny Chao-Wei Ou

Oracle (Oracle7 with parallel server and parallel query options)
Sybase (Navigation Server on AT&T 3600, SUN SMPs, and IBM SP2 (planned),SQL Server 10)
Informix (INFORMIX-OnLine Dynamic Server)
IBM (Oracle7, DB2/6000, DB2/2, SP2, IBM 390 Parallel Sysplex)
SGI (Oracle7 on SMP Challenge database server)
Taradata with AT&T and NCR
Tandem (Himalaya K10000
Cray Research (SuperServer)
SUN (Oracle7, DB2 on SUN's SMP)
AT&T and NCR
TMC (CM5, Darwin, Oracle7, Decision/SQL, Parasort)
KSR (Query Decomposor, Oracle7)
Amdahl (Oracle7)
nCUBE (Oracle7, nCUBE2)
data-CACHE Corp (SQL dataMANAGER)
Data General Corp (Oracle7, DSO)
HP (Oracle7, IMAGE/SQL, HP 3000)
Encore Computer Corp (Oracle7 on Infinity 90)

© on Mon Oct 13 1997