Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 27 Discussion of PCM Lock Example

From Second Part of RDBMS Discussion ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny Chao-Wei Ou

The example of previous and following foil, illustrates why concurrency control is needed in a parallel DB server environment.
It shows how contention for shared resources(data,disk access) is being handled under a multi-node parallel system sharing a single database.
The blackened boxes in the figure are the same blocks in each node (not rows !) requested by different nodes(instances) and located in different SGA bufferes.
Concurrency control needs to be implemented to ensure a consistant database,
i.e. the same block from the disk must be reflected as exactly the same copy in different buffers.
This is achieved by PCM locks.

© on Mon Oct 13 1997