Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 7 October 97

Foil 45 TPC-D - a Decision Support Benchmark?
Nature of Benchmark Examples

From Second Part of RDBMS Discussion ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Gang Cheng Marek Podgorny Chao-Wei Ou

TPC-D definition requires that either one (power test) or many (scale-up test) query streams are run and timed against at least three sizes of a predefined database, with sizes growing exponentially (e.g., 1G, 10GB, 100GB sequence)
Query stream consists of 17 complex queries plus two concurrently running update operations
No extensive database tuning in allowed - optimizer hints are explicitly forbidden
timings for individual queries are not part of the TPC-D metric
Database structure well represents most common DSS DBs in applications, i.e. one largest table takes ~70% of the total DB size.

© on Mon Oct 13 1997