Multidisciplinary teams
Emphasize Work between centers -- MSRC's and DC's
e.g. metacomputing between DC's and MSRC's
Not enough to help one user -- be a leader
Mix of broad-based support and national leaders
Team CHSSI and across centers
Need a constituency in DoD
Go to center person; ARL will link to warfighter
Accountability - must be able to say why doing work
Cross-MSRC PET Vision is framework
11 efforts (6 CTA's 5 general areas)
Become more top down
T and E; Automatic Target Evaluation; Weapons and Warfighter Systems Design
Wants "Nimrod" like capability to control multiple runs with optimization
Pentagon does not relate to CTA's but rather things like ATR, T & E
Publish reports in ARL TR series
Seminars (suggest outside people) at ARL
Go to modernization office
2 page year 3 statement of work plus boiler plate
Multidisciplinary teams
Emphasize Work between centers -- MSRC's and DC's
e.g. metacomputing between DC's and MSRC's
Not enough to help one user -- be a leader
Mix of broad-based support and national leaders
Team CHSSI and across centers
Need a constituency in DoD
Go to center person; ARL will link to warfighter
Accountability - must be able to say why doing work
Cross-MSRC PET Vision is framework
11 efforts (6 CTA's 5 general areas)
Become more top down
T and E; Automatic Target Evaluation; Weapons and Warfighter Systems Design
Wants "Nimrod" like capability to control multiple runs with optimization
Pentagon does not relate to CTA's but rather things like ATR, T & E
Publish reports in ARL TR series
Seminars (suggest outside people) at ARL
Go to modernization office
2 page year 3 statement of work plus boiler plate
Training requirements do not have strong visualization requirements
Testing may be important -- requirements are unclear
cf. Caterpillar, GM use of CAVE
automobile people at ARL
virtual prototyping is before T and E
datamining not much used in IMT now
ITEA conference exhibit
Truck Project at ATC (Aberdeen Test Center)
Fire in a tank engine or jet engine Problem
video common form of output
Immersadesk used for demos only
Virtual battlefield is existing NCSA project
Need real FMS user on Origin 2000 by end CY98
CMS "planning parallel RTI" raise priority; DIS or HLA?
Ask Wasilausky Sam, ARL and others for other opportunities
Demonstrations of Object Web for HLA -- show leadership
Why can't we use DIS on Origin 2000
Optimized and Unoptimized
maybe DIS version does not scale? But Origin is faster!
What is CMS platform now. Single or distributed?
HPC for FMS Talk at ITEA
SFExpress, Object Web, CHSSI efforts
Training for IMT and FMS continue as on right track
General HLA, CORBA, Web
New onsite person definition
Overall Issues
Major opportunity for year 3 success -- need to manage deployment support
Who do we work with? Training or CTA's?
Can we enforce standards
How do we monitor issues -- who is responsible
relative role of Training, Derek and NCSA InfoComm core activity
Are we trying to do too much
Year 2 activities which will "finish"
Deploy Web Access Assessment Tools
ITEA Conference
Deploy databases (Derek will support ARL Oracle)
Ongoing Training Support
Collaborative Visualization
Asynchronous and Synchronous; Timing and nature of deployment?
Authoring Tools Survey and selected support
Teaching Tools Survey and selected support
Support HBCU -- not clear yet
Methodology for Web based Interfaces (CGI , Java, CORBA)