Given by Mark Baker Portsmouth at Seamless Computing Birds of Feather SC97 on 18 Nov 97. Foils prepared 24 Nov 97
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Emerging Applications |
The Problem |
Seamless Computing |
CORBA and Seamless Computing |
Seamless Computing Services |
Conclusion |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Mark Baker |
School of Computer Science |
University of Portsmouth |
Tel: +44 (1703) 844285 |
Fax: +44 (1703) 844006 |
Email: |
URL: http:/ |
Emerging Applications |
The Problem |
Seamless Computing |
CORBA and Seamless Computing |
Seamless Computing Services |
Conclusion |
It is becoming increasing evident that emerging applications require the ability to exploit diverse, geographically distributed resources. |
The reasons for this, may be for example, the location of specialised computational resources, availability of high-performance databases, high-speed network inter-connect, archival storage devices, etc... |
How do we integrate resources of widely varying capabilities, connected by potentially unreliable networks and often located in different administrative domains ? |
This problem is being tackled by a number of groups who are attempting to create either meta or seamless computing environments. |
Metacomputing and Seamless computing have the same basic goals - that of integrating a distributed and heterogeneous system into one integrated computing environment. |
Both need to deal with factors such as; resource management and scheduling, filesharing, security, interoperability and scalability. |
The factors mentioned in the previous slide can be treated separately or taken together and by a process of abstraction generalised to provide a generic seamless computing framework. |
This extensible framework can then be used to define the interfaces and interoperability layers between the disparate services available within our Seamless environment. |
An obvious reference framework is the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) being defined by the Object Management Group (OMG). |
The OMG is a consortium that consists of over 700 companies that spans the whole spectrum of the computing industry - with the noticeable exception of Microsoft. |
CORBA defines middleware that has the potential to replace all other existing forms of client/server middleware. |
CORBA basically defines a framework that enables all applications to be unified via the object bus. |
In addition CORBA separates the specification of a service from the actual implementation - this basically enables existing systems integrated within the bus. |
CORBA allows intelligent components to discover each other and inter-operate via the bus. |
CORBA also specifies an extensive set of bus related services - creating, deleting, relationships, etc... |
One of the most import parts of CORBA is the Interface Definition Language (IDL). |
The interface between components rather than actual code is specified. |
These specifications are written in a neutral IDL that defines a components boundaries - basically its interface to potential clients. |
Components written to IDL should be portable across languages, tools, OSs and networks. |
A CORBA object is a element of intelligence that can live anywhere on the bus. |
Remote clients can access their services via remote invocations. |
All the clients need to know about an object to access its services is the interface that it publishes. |
The ORB is the object bus. |
Basically it lets objects make requests - and receive responses from - other objects located locally or remotely. |
Client objects need not be aware of the mechanism for communicating with remote server objects. |
An ORB can exist "just" locally or it can be inter-connected with other ORBs. |
The connection of ORBs together over the Internet is via the usage of the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP). |
IIOP to inter-connect Seamless environment. |
Services provided by the computers in the Seamless environment are defined as Objects - IDL used to specify interfaces to these services. |
Service Objects can have:
Examples: |
CORBA can be used to define a Seamless Computing Framework. |