Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 6 1998

Foil 5 Motivating and Explanatory Remarks II

From Development of the Requirements for a Common Framework for Collaborative Learning Community Tools Working Group at CILT TLC Meeting SRI Palo Alto -- May 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 It is likely that K-14 tools and systems will often share components with larger/better funded areas such as Enterprise Systems (cf. Lotus Notes), Corporate training and generic web capabilities
2 Interoperability, Reusability, promotion of best practices are natural themes
3 Need to be pedagogically neutral as many approaches are being and still need to be investigated
4 Tools should include those for teachers (e.g. aid decision making) as well as students
5 Include synchronous and asynchronous collaboration
6 Assessment requirements should include interactive feedback

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