Basic HTML version of Foils prepared June 6 1998

Foil 4 Motivating and Explanatory Remarks I

From Development of the Requirements for a Common Framework for Collaborative Learning Community Tools Working Group at CILT TLC Meeting SRI Palo Alto -- May 28-29 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Requirements can later lead to technical specifications and standards (as in IMS project), pilot projects and reference implementations
Framework will define requirements and not specifications
  • Compare with ADL which sets DoD training requirements and IMS sets consequent specifications
Requirements can include those for both interoperability and functionality
  • IMS focuses on interoperability
This project is not defining requirements for authoring (i.e. for content) but rather for the interfaces of content with educational tools
Rapid changes in technology suggest that content and tools be as modular as possible
  • This project will define modules and interfaces

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