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Web-Linked Database Cold Fusion Tutorial

Given by Chao Wei Ou at ARL Database Tutorial on February 98. Foils prepared 26 Jan 98

This describes Cold Fusion technology for linking databases with the Web
What and Why is ColdFusion?
Tag Language
Database and File Capabilities
Advanced Features

Table of Contents for Web-Linked Database Cold Fusion Tutorial

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1 Cold Fusion Web-Linked Database Technology
2 Abstract of Cold Fusion Presentation
3 What and Why is Cold Fusion?
4 Cold Fusion Application Server
5 Cold Fusion Major Features
6 Benefits from Cold Fusion
7 Fast Tag-based Programming Language
8 New Functions in Cold Fusion
9 Example: Dynamic Page Flow Control
10 Example: Arrays
11 HTTP Environment Variables
12 Re-Use Code
13 Powerful Database and File Integration
14 Database Integration
15 Example 1
16 Example 2
17 Advanced SQL
18 File Management
19 Crystal Reports
20 Cold Fusion Features
21 Cold Fusion Features
22 Cold Fusion - Sample Applications

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