Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 26 Jan 98

Foil 17 Advanced SQL

From Web-Linked Database Cold Fusion Tutorial ARL Database Tutorial -- February 98. by Chao Wei Ou

1 Select one or more companies to get more information on:
  • <SELECT Name="SelectEmp" MULTIPLE>
  • <OPTION VALUE="'Staff'">Staff
  • <OPTION VALUE="'Student'">Student
  • </SELECT>
  • <INPUT type="hidden" NAME="SelectedEmp_required"
  • VALUE="You must select at least one category.">
2 In other CFM page includes the following SQL statement
  • SELECT * FROM Organizations
  • WHERE OrganizationName IN (#PreserveSingleQuotes(SelectedEmp)#)
3 Actual statement to be sent to database:
  • SELECT * FROM Organizations
  • WHERE OrganizationName IN (`Staff','Student')

in Table To:

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