Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 10 Sept 1997

Foil 9 Some Tactical Opportunities of Web Technologies - II

From Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of Computational Grids Argonne Workshop on Computational Grids -- 7-10 Sept 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 The universal adoption of JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and the growing convenience of web-linked databases could imply a growing importance of systems that link large scale commercial databases with HPCC computing resources
2 Javabeans, RMI, COM, CORBA, IIOP form the basis of the emerging "object web" which analogously to the previous bullet could encourage a growing use of modern object technology
3 Emerging collaboration and other distributed information systems could allow new (low end) distributed work paradigms which could change the traditional teaming models in favor of those for instance implied by the new NSF Partnerships in Advanced Computation

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