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Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of Computational Grids

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Argonne Workshop on Computational Grids on 7-10 Sept 97. Foils prepared 10 Sept 1997

We describe why it is interesting to build computational grids on the commodity (web) software infrstructure
We Introduce Industry 3-tier architecture and identify middle tier as key architectural feature
We discuss implications for collaboration,
  • multidisciplinary interactions,
  • interpreted and visual programming environments
  • Forces Modeling distributed simulations
  • CORBA object technology
We describe two tier messaging with control in middle tier snd high performance data transfer in backend tier

Table of Contents for Commodity(Web) Technologies in the service of Computational Grids

001 Remarks on Commodity(Web) Technologies for Computational Grids
002 The Computing Pyramid
003 Some Classes of Applications
004 Computational Grid and the Web
005 Two Roles of Web Technologies
006 Structure(Architecture) of Applications - I
007 Structure(Architecture) of Applications - II
008 Some Tactical Opportunities of Web Technologies - I
009 Some Tactical Opportunities of Web Technologies - II
010 Why Use of Web Architecture as basis of Computational Grid?
011 One Strategy for a Web-based Computational Grid
012 A Web-based 3-Tier Computing System
013 Web-Server based Metacomputer Capabilities at 3 levels
014 General Web based Grid Architecture
015 Role of Collaboratory Systems
016 Proposed Approach to High Performance Messaging
017 Three Possible Implementations of CFD CSM Linkage
018 Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model
019 Some Capabilities of this Approach
020 Three Possible Implementations of CFD CSM Linkage
021 Web Architecture Supports Interpreted Environments
022 Example of WebFlow = AVS/Khoros using Web
023 WebFlow: Image Processing
024 Component Based Programming Environments
025 Integration of Web with CORBA
026 Integration of DIS with Object Web Based Computing
027 Technology Convergence Roadmap - Overview for Forces Modeling, 
    Integrated Modeling and Testing for DoD
028 Technology Convergence Roadmap - Overview for Forces Modeling, 
    Integrated Modeling and Testing for DoD

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