Title and abstract for

CORBA and distributed Objects using JavaIDL

Given by Nancy McCracken, Chao Wei Ou, Geoffrey Fox at ARL Database Tutorial and CPS616 on February 98. Foils prepared 5 Feb 98
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We overview CORBA in general and then describe its use with Java Clients and Servers using the simple ORB available from the JavaIDL JDK 1.2 release from Sun.
We give two simple examples : Hello world and the simple counter also shown with Visigenic ORB
The JavaIDL ORB is not production quality but can be used to develop Java language CORBA objects which can then be used with other more sophisticated ORB's in production mode.
Note the Java Language CORBA IDL is common to all ORB's
JavaIDL respects this IDL binding and provides both a client or server implementation which respect IIOP and so interfaces with other vendor systems
JavaIDL is a "JORB" -- a Java server implementation of CORBA

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