Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 July 97

Foil 4 AWT New Event Model

From Overview of JDK Version 1.1 Extensions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken

1 In old event model, the native windowing system reported events to the eventHandler of class Component, who decided which component should get the event and to call a particular event handler for that event, such as "action" or "mouseDown".
2 In the new event model, event handling has been more generalized: each class can declare which events it wants to handle by creating an ActionListener for those events.
  • Required more generalized event model for JavaBeans.
  • Essential for user to create own basic (lightweight) components.
  • More detailed system of events: e.g. user can create own button component which enables events MOUSE_PRESSED, MOUSE_RELEASED, MOUSE_ENTERED, and MOUSE_EXITED and may make the button change appearance (or take other action) on each of these events.

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