Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 19 July 97

Foil 12 JavaBeans

From Overview of JDK Version 1.1 Extensions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Nancy J. McCracken

Goal is to provide platform-independent component architecture. Developer writes reusable software components and then puts together applications from components using a visual builder's tool.
A Java Bean is a reusable component. It is different from an ordinary class because its method signatures and class definitions allow introspection (by the application builder's tool). Introspection can find
  • properties - these can not only be inspected but set, to allow customization
  • events
  • Visual interface(BeanBox) accesses properties of individual Beans and can link them together to form complex programs
Beans also allow persistence - a bean can be customized and then stored back to disk.
A Bean implements the Java interface "Serializable" which allows the builder tool to work with design time and run time.

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