Basic HTML version of Foils prepared
19 July 97
Foil 25 Event Sources
Overview of JDK Version 1.1 Extensions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS --
Spring Semester 97
Nancy J. McCracken
In the AWT, the event sources are the Components.
For every event X which a source generates, its API includes methods to register event listeners: addXListener() and removeXListener().
List of some components and events they generate:
Button ActionEvent (button clicked)
Checkbox ItemEvent (select or deselect item)
Choice ItemEvent
Component ComponentEvent, FocusEvent, KeyEvent, MouseEvent
List ActionEvent (doubleclick item), ItemEvent
MenuItem ActionEvent
Scrollbar AdjustmentEvent (move scrollbar)
TextComponent TextEvent (user changes text)
Window WindowEvent (window opened, closed, etc.)
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,
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