Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 13 January 98

Foil 20 Web Technologies in a Nutshell -- Java

From Introduction to Object Web Technologies (Internetics) Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Java -- Objected Oriented version of C/C++ supporting Interactive Distributed Computing. Original Web architecture (e.g. CGI) was server-side. Java allows design and Implementation of balanced Client Server Applications
Java likely to be a dominant software engineering and Scientific Computing language
This course will not discuss Java as a language but rather as a system building tool
Java will probably be preferred language for development of next generation general or custom Web servers and clients
  • NPAC's TANGO collaboratory built around a custom Java Tier-2 server
Java can build customized GUI's and graphics/image processing as in NPAC's Visible Human Viewer (won JARS award Dec 95) and Scivis visualization system.
New Java 1.1/1.2 have several enhancements including very many specialized API's
Javabeans are (visual) component model for Java applications

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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