Basic HTML version of Foils prepared April 7 1998

Foil 99 Some Other Security Systems

From Basic Principles of Java and Internet Security CPS616 Web Technologies -- Spring 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Passwords on UNIX are stored using a hash based on encrypting 0 with a DES like secret algorithm with key based on password
2 Kerberos is a secret key cryptography system using a KDC -- Key distribution center which keep authorized people and their master keys
3 Sessions are assigned dynamically session keys which are used to encrypt with DES transmissions
4 Electronic mail systems include PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) which could use Kerberos like secret keys but in practice is based on public key certification with again DES for message transmission
5 PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is similar to PEM and used for mail and file transmission
  • Note difficulties is public key certificate. This area will get a lot easier when Internet shopping promotes public key certification strategy

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