Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 5 August 97

Foil 24 Browser Object Methods - V

From VRML97 Scripting: JavaScript Nodes UC Web Applications Certificate -- July 24 1997. by Wojtek Furmanski and Hasan Ozdemir

1 void addRoute( SFNode fromNode, SFString fromEventOut, SFNode toNode, SFString toEventIn )
2 void deleteRoute( SFNode fromNode, SFString fromEventOut, SFNode toNode, SFString toEventIn ) : These methods respectively add and delete a route between the given event names for the given nodes.
3 Scripts that may call these methods must have directOutput set to TRUE.
4 Scripts that may call replaceWorld(), loadURL() or setDescription() shall have mustEvaluate set to TRUE.

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