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A SpotLight is a light placed at a location in the VRML world, centered in a specific direction, and constrained so that its rays emanate within a light cone. Shapes that fall in within cone of light are illuminated by the spotlight, and others are not.
SpotLight {
ambientIntensity 0 # exposedField SFFloat
attenuation 1 0 0 # exposedField SFVec3f
beamWidth 1.570796 # exposedField SFFloat
color 1 1 1 # exposedField SFColor
cutOffAngle 0.785398 # exposedField SFFloat
direction 0 0 -1 # exposedField SFVec3f
intensity 1 # exposedField SFFloat
location 0 0 0 # exposedField SFVec3f
on TRUE # exposedField SFBool
radius 100 # exposedField SFFloat