Basic HTML version of Foils prepared March 4 1998

Foil 5 History of VRML from wired VRML Site

From VRML 2 Basic Concepts and Definitions CPS616 -- Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 98. by Zeynep Ozdemir, Rob Baker, Meryem Ispirli, Geoffrey C. Fox

VRML was conceived in the spring of 1994 at the first annual World Wide Web Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.
Tim Berners-Lee and Dave Raggett organized a Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) session to discuss Virtual Reality interfaces to the World Wide Web.
Several BOF attendees described projects already underway to build three dimensional graphical visualization tools which interoperate with the Web.
Attendees agreed on the need for these tools to have a common language for specifying 3D scene description and WWW hyperlinks -- an analog of HTML for virtual reality.
The term Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) was coined, and the group resolved to begin specification work after the conference.
The word 'Markup' was later changed to 'Modeling' to reflect the graphical nature of VRML.

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