Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 2 October 98

Foil 14 JavaScript Plug-in Interaction Example

From Netscape's LiveConnect Technology CPS640 Internet and Multimedia Technologies -- April 98. by Marek Podgorny,Nancy McCracken

1 <head> <script language="JavaScript">
2 function doNothing() {} // A dummy function
3 function playSound ( soundName )
4 { plugin = document.plugins[soundName];
5 window.status = soundName
6 if ( plugin != null )
7 { plugin.StopAll();
9 setTimeout('plugin.stop()', 2000); } }
10 </script>
11 <title> Sound Sampler </title></head> <body>
12 <h2> Point to an instrument to hear how it sounds</h2>
13 <embed src="keyboard.aiff" name="keyboard"
14 hidden=true volume= 100% autostart=false> ....
15 <a href="doNothing()"
16 onMouseOver="playSound('keyboard'); return true;">
17 <img src="keyboard.gif" border=0> </a> ....
18 </body></html>

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