Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 April 98

Foil 13 RSVP's Soft State

From Part II of RSVP Reservation Protocol CPS640 Internet and Multimedia Technologies -- Spring 98. by Marek Podgorny,Nancy McCracken

RSVP sends its messages as IP datagrams with no reliability enhancement:
  • Periodic transmission of refresh messages by hosts and routers is expected to handle the occasional loss of an RSVP message.
    • If the effective cleanup timeout is set to K times the refresh timeout period, then RSVP can tolerate K-1 successive RSVP packet losses without falsely erasing a reservation.
The state maintained by RSVP is dynamic:
  • To change the set of senders Si or to change any QoS request, a host simply starts sending revised Path and/or Resv messages. The result will be an appropriate adjustment in the RSVP state in all nodes along the path.

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