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Overview of Tango Collaboratory

Given by Marek Podgorny at XII and DISA Meetings on January--March 98. Foils prepared 12 April 98

This presentation discusses Tango in context of an overall review of Collaboration Systems

Table of Contents for Overview of Tango Collaboratory

001 TANGO Collaboratory  - an Overview DISA XII Presentations 
    January--March 98
002 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy
003 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy II
004 Collaboratory systems: Taxonomy III
005 Collaboration Transparency
006 Event Broadcasting: Criticism
007 TANGO Collaboratory
008 TANGO: Highlights
009 TANGO: Highlights II
010 TANGO: Control Application
011 TANGO: application control
012 TANGO Applications
013 TANGO: Status
014 TANGO/Wisdom
015 Video on Demand/TANGO Integration

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